Advocacia criminal é confiança Advocacia criminal é confiança


Advocacia Criminal em novos tempos


Malheiros Filho, Meggiolaro e Prado Advogados is a distinguished legal firm sought after by individuals and corporate entities seeking resolution of their legal challenges, coupled with expert guidance during periods of adversity.


Our approach is defined by a commitment to embracing both those who have endured distressing experiences and those who require assistance in safeguarding their fundamental right to a fair defense.


From our perspective, criminal law practice primarily concerns the lives and careers of individuals. We understand that internal reports, family anguish, and support in crisis management are as crucial as victories in the Courts. Therefore, our unwavering focus lies in delivering agile, discreet, ethical, and results-driven service.

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Conrado Gidrão de Almeida Prado
DNA Penal

Criminal DNA

We know Brazil’s criminal justice and we know our clients.

Malheiros Filho, Meggiolaro e Prado Advogados possess a substantial history and experience to comprehend the changes criminal law has been undergoing in Brazil. Established in 1980, the firm remains consistently attuned to contemporary developments, ensuring the provision of advisory solutions to address routine matters and navigate crisis scenarios.


Criminal law functions as a safeguard to uphold the liberty of citizens in the face of potential governmental arbitrariness, while concurrently serving as a framework to aid individuals who have fallen victim to criminal acts. Consequently, our practice encompasses not solely the implementation of strategies for risk identification and mitigation, but also extends to the empathetic reception of individuals and their families who find themselves entangled in matters bearing criminal consequences. Our team of specialists is dedicated to offering ethical and confidential assistance, allowing them to effectively address and resolve their problems.


Our firm also recognizes the significance of focusing efforts toward both preemptive and remedial case management involving criminal implications for enterprises, providing vital backing to Legal Departments and their executives. This partnership is a differential that minimizes impacts on business development in corporations affected by possible criminal investigations or penal proceedings.

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We handle all types of cases involving criminal matters, be them in litigation through defense in investigations and proceedings, or in the advisory scope, preparing legal opinions and reports on the criminal repercussion of certain acts and business.


Our reputation is built upon our dedicated focus on serving companies within the industrial sector, public utilities, agribusiness, as well as the financial and capital market domains. More recently, we have significantly expanded our efforts to provide assistance to companies impacted by instances of fraud perpetrated against them and/or their clientele. Our involvement spans internal investigations, civil inquiries, and active participation in negotiations pertaining to administrative law sanctions.





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